what is the proper way to attach a shower head extension
what is the proper way to attach a shower head extension

In the quest for the perfect shower experience, the quest for the ideal shower head extension inevitably arises. But have you ever wondered what the proper way is to attach this elusive accessory? Look no further! In this article, we will guide you through the simple steps to ensure a seamless and secure attachment of your shower head extension, bringing you one step closer to achieving a blissful shower that reaches new heights.

Materials and Tools

Before we get started with attaching a shower head extension, let’s gather all the materials and tools we will need. Here’s a list of items you will need for this project:

  • Shower head extension
  • Plumbers tape
  • Adjustable wrench or pliers
  • Towel or rag
  • Bucket or container (optional, for catching water)

Make sure you have all these items handy before beginning the installation process. This will help ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience.


Before we can attach the shower head extension, there are a few steps we need to take to prepare for the installation process. Let’s go through them one by one.

Shut off the water supply

First things first, we need to shut off the water supply to the shower. This is important to avoid any unexpected water flow or leaks during the installation process. Locate the shut-off valve for your shower and turn it off.

Remove the old shower head

Next, we need to remove the old shower head from the shower arm. Use an adjustable wrench or pliers to unscrew the shower head in a counterclockwise direction. Be careful not to damage the shower arm in the process, as we will be using it to attach the new extension.

Clean the shower arm

Once the old shower head is removed, take a moment to clean the shower arm to remove any debris or buildup. You can use a rag or towel to wipe the arm and ensure a clean surface for attaching the extension.

Choosing the Right Extension

Now that we’re ready to attach the shower head extension, let’s consider a few factors to ensure we choose the right one for our needs.

Consider the length and height

The length and height of the shower head extension are important considerations. Measure the distance between the shower arm and where you want the new shower head to be positioned. This will help determine the appropriate length of the extension to ensure a comfortable showering experience.

Check the compatibility with existing shower head

Another important factor to consider is the compatibility of the extension with your existing shower head. Make sure the extension has the necessary fittings and connections to securely attach to your current shower head. This will help prevent any potential leaks or issues down the line.

Choose the right material

When selecting a shower head extension, consider the material it is made of. Common options include brass, stainless steel, and plastic. Each material has its own pros and cons in terms of durability and aesthetic appeal. Choose a material that suits your preferences and budget.

Installing the Extension

Now that we’ve chosen the right shower head extension, let’s move on to the installation process. Follow these steps to properly install the extension onto the shower arm.

Wrap the shower arm with tape

To ensure a watertight seal, wrap the threaded end of the shower arm with plumbers tape. Start at the base of the threads and wrap the tape in a clockwise direction. This will help prevent any potential leaks at the connection point.

Screw the shower head extension onto the arm

With the shower arm properly taped, it’s time to attach the shower head extension. Screw the extension onto the arm in a clockwise direction. Use an adjustable wrench or pliers to tighten it securely, but be careful not to overtighten as it may cause damage.

Attaching the Shower Head

Now that the extension is in place, it’s time to attach the shower head itself. Follow these steps to ensure a proper and secure attachment.

Wrap the shower head with tape

Similar to how we wrapped the shower arm, we need to wrap the threaded end of the shower head with plumbers tape. Again, start at the base of the threads and wrap the tape in a clockwise direction. This will create a tight seal and help prevent leaks.

Screw the shower head onto the extension

Once the shower head is wrapped with tape, screw it onto the threaded end of the shower head extension. Make sure it is securely tightened, but avoid overtightening. Use an adjustable wrench or pliers to ensure a snug fit.

Testing for Leaks

Now that everything is attached, it’s time to test for any potential leaks. Follow these steps to ensure everything is properly sealed and secure.

Turn on the water supply

Turn on the water supply to the shower, and let the water flow through the new shower head and extension. Pay close attention to any signs of water leakage at the connection points. If you notice any leaks, turn off the water supply and address the issue before proceeding.

Check for any leaks at the connections

Closely inspect the connections between the shower head, extension, and shower arm for any signs of leaks. If you spot any leaks, try tightening the connections further. If the leaks persist, you may need to disassemble and reassemble the parts, or consult a professional for assistance.

Adjusting the Height and Angle

One of the advantages of using a shower head extension is the ability to adjust the height and angle of the shower head. Here’s how you can customize the positioning to suit your preferences.

Loosen the extension’s locking mechanism

To adjust the height and angle, start by loosening the extension’s locking mechanism. This will allow you to freely move and position the shower head without resistance.

Position the shower head at the desired height and angle

Once the locking mechanism is loosened, position the shower head at the desired height and angle. Experiment with different positions to find the most comfortable and convenient setting for your showering experience.

Tighten the locking mechanism

Once you’ve found the perfect position, tighten the extension’s locking mechanism to secure the shower head in place. Make sure it is tightened enough to prevent any unwanted movement or shifting during use.

Maintaining the Extension

Proper maintenance is key to ensuring the longevity and functionality of your shower head extension. Here are a few tips to keep it in good condition.

Regularly clean the shower head and extension

Regular cleaning is essential to remove any mineral buildup or residue that can affect the water flow and performance of the shower head. Use a mild cleaning solution and a soft brush to clean both the shower head and extension. Rinse thoroughly with water and dry with a clean towel.

Check for any signs of wear or damage

Periodically inspect the shower head extension for any signs of wear or damage. Check the connections, threads, and overall condition of the extension. If you notice any issues, such as cracks, leaks, or rust, it may be time to replace the extension to avoid further problems.

Common Troubleshooting

While attaching a shower head extension is a relatively straightforward process, it’s not uncommon to encounter a few issues. Here are two common troubleshooting scenarios and how to address them.

Low water pressure

If you experience low water pressure after attaching a shower head extension, there may be a few potential causes. First, ensure that all the connection points are securely tightened. If that doesn’t solve the issue, check for any clogs or debris in the shower head or extension. Clean them thoroughly to improve water flow.

Leaking connections

If you notice any leaks at the connection points of the shower head extension, it’s important to address them promptly. Try tightening the connections further, but be careful not to overtighten as it may cause damage. If the leaks persist, you may need to disassemble and reassemble the parts, or consult a professional for assistance.


Attaching a shower head extension is a relatively simple and enjoyable DIY project that can greatly enhance your showering experience. By following the proper steps and considering the factors mentioned in this article, you’ll be able to choose the right extension, install it correctly, and troubleshoot any potential issues that arise.

Remember to prepare the necessary materials and tools, shut off the water supply, remove the old shower head, and clean the shower arm before starting the installation process. When choosing the right extension, consider the length and height, compatibility with the existing shower head, and the material that suits your needs.

During installation, wrap the shower arm and shower head with plumbers tape for a watertight seal, and securely attach the extension and shower head onto the arm. Test for leaks and adjust the height and angle to your preference before tightening the locking mechanism.

To maintain the extension, regularly clean it and check for any signs of wear or damage. If troubleshooting is needed, address common issues such as low water pressure and leaking connections promptly.

By following these steps, you’ll be able to attach a shower head extension properly, ensuring a refreshing and enjoyable showering experience for years to come.